DIY Kit Assembly Instructions

Building the Hardware Video

Setting Up the Software Video

Follow these directions to get your device up and running

  1. Tools Needed:
    1. Phillips #1 Screwdriver
    2. Tweezers (Optional)
  1. Assembly Instructions:
    1. Assemble Pi case with Raspberry Pi inside aligning up the ports to appropriate openings, see photo below for placement of heat pads or scan the QR code for detailed instructions.
  1. Plug the Blue SDR into any USB port on the Raspberry Pi
  2. Attach the included “rubber duck” antenna, antenna should point vertically for best results.
  3. If you plan on using a wired network connection (Recommended), plug in the network cable.
  4. Connect the included power supply to the USB-C port and power up the unit.
  5. If using a wired network connection, skip to step 5.
  1. Connect to the “ADSBx-config” wifi network that is created about 1-2 minutes after boot if no other connection is detected. You will likely need to tell your device to “stay connected” (android), or “keep using wifi” (iOS). Note, the “ADSBx-config” network is only broadcast for 15 minutes after boot.
  1. Using a web browser, open: http://adsbexchange.local. (if this does not work for some reason, you can also try
  1. Click on “wifi Setup”, select your network and input your password (if you intend to use wifi). The device will reboot and connect to the configured wifi.
  1. Return to http://adsbexchange.local, and choose “Configure Receiver/Location”.  Insert your latitude/longitude coordinates, altitude above sea level, name for the unit, and other information.

More information regarding the software can be found online at