Become A Feeder

Becoming a data feeder for ADS-B Exchange is an exciting opportunity to become a part of The Exchange community. As The Exchange community feeder:

  • You help Search & Rescue, firefighting and emergency services improve operations
  • You help researchers, enthusiasts and professionals perform tasks ranging from investigating a warlord’s flight activity to learning about ways on how an airline can consume less fuel during flights

Some of these can only be done because of ADS-B Exchange’s commitment to providing 100% unfiltered ADS-B data, all while having access to features that premium subscribers get:

  • Premium map layers (including satellite)
  • Detailed Aircraft Information
  • Detailed ADS-B data
  • Aircraft Ownership information
  • MLAT
  • Military, commercial, and private aircraft.
  • No filtering or blocking
  • Replay Feature
  • History going back to March 2020
  • Weather radar
  • Aeronautical Charts and Layers
  • US-based
  • Made for aircraft tracking enthusiasts by aircraft tracking enthusiasts!

For more information visit our In The News page

Request a Feeder Kit

Are you able to mount the antenna outside or on the roof?(Required)
Don’t worry, this is not a requirement for approval.
See this map for qualifying airports.
How did you hear about us?
Are you a Ham Radio Operator and/or an officer of your local Ham radio club?
Do you already feed other sites?