Looking for a quick and easy way to view ADSBx on your iOS device? Try using the mobile “web app”.
All the features of the desktop – list, filter, etc.
More room to view aircraft without browser taking up space…
Ground Traffic
Various overlays, including sectionals.
Satellite overlay, ownership information.
Installation – Android
Step 1: Open Google Chrome from Home Screen
Step 3: Click on the options menu in the bottom right of your device screen (the one with the red dot near it).
Step 5: Click “Home Screen”
Result – ADSBx on your home screen.
Step 2: Open “globe.adsbexchange.com”
Step 4: Click “Add Page To”
Step 6: Click “Add”
Note that the advertisement can be closed/dismissed. (Or if you are a feeder/subscriber, you can login to eliminate all ads)
Installation – iOS
Step 1: Open Safari from Home Screen
Step 2: Go to “globe.adsbexchange.com”
Step 3: Click on bottom center icon as shown
Step 4: Click “add to home screen”
Step 5: Name it whatever you like and hit “add”. This icon and name will be added to your home screen (with your other apps).
Step 6: When first launching the app, click the + sign repeatedly to cycle through icon/text sizes. Personally, I prefer the smallest on a smartphone.
Don’t forget: Close the ad by clicking the handle! (Nobody likes ads, but they pay the bills)
Use the “L” and “O” buttons to toggle aircraft labels
Another useful option for mobile use – click the “overlays” icon as shown, and select “Site Position and Range Rings” – this will show a dot at your GPS position. It does not update live, however.